Saturday, January 06, 2007

125 ME

  1. I was born in Saigon, a city that no longer exists
  2. I am Buddhist by birth and by choice
  3. I am the eldest of three siblings and the only girl
  4. I’ve never lived alone
  5. I am a writer, a director, and a voyeur (and a production Accountaant to pay the bills)
  6. I like sleeping with my head under the covers
  7. I occasionally feel like a sixteen year old and I never feel like a thirty-two year old
  8. I met my husband in high school
  9. I am poet like my mom and an essayist like my dad
  10. I am the happiest when I am vacationing
  11. I am an over thinker
  12. In junior high, two friends and I made up boyfriends for ourselves... mine was called, Matt Preston
  13. I backpacked through five European countries and one principality in two months when I was 22
  14. Some days I have an overwhelming sense of fear and dread…but I think I hide it well with a smile
  15. I am my grandma’s favorite
  16. I have a tested I.Q of 143
  17. I was a mean to boys who professed their love/infatuation to me in school
  18. My husband and I sleep with separate blankets because I cocoon myself in my covers leaving very little for him... UPDATE (05/02/08): He refuse to let me have my own blanket, insisting that I learn to share.
  19. I am 5'0 and take up 3/4 of the bed
  20. I have very low tolerance for stupid people
  21. My favourite flowers are Gardenias
  22. I have very good work ethics, inherited from my mom
  23. I own shoes that I don’t remember buying
  24. I’ve been to a NEW KIDS concert… twice in one day
  25. I typically enjoy the company of men or non-girly women
  26. I sometimes cross that fine line between assertive and aggressive
  27. I don’t shave my legs during the winter
  28. I am afraid of dark water
  29. I don’t like chocolate
  30. I’ve do not drink coffee. The smell makes me nauseous. I drink tea, without sugar or milk
  31. I love to read
  32. I underline passages in books that inspire me
  33. When I was younger I wanted to be a spy
  34. I think my dog is a reincarnation of someone I knew
  35. I’m always “fashionably” late
  36. The first boy I ever frenched kissed was named Colin
  37. House cleaning makes me angry
  38. I love to laugh
  39. I was school patrol captain in grade four and let the power go to my head
  40. I dance in the shower
  41. I enjoy fruity things: drinks, ice cream, men
  42. I use to be a bank teller and would spy on the account activities of people I knew
  43. Jasmine is my favorite scent
  44. I think farts are funny
  45. I am a perfectionist; I demand it in myself and in others around me
  46. I have two deep dark secrets that I refuse to share
  47. I wanted to name our dog, Pepper or Poet, but my husband named her Misha UPDATE (05/02/08): We adopted another dog, I named her POET!!!
  48. I have Psychic dreams, I dreamed about my husband before I knew him
  49. I am extremely calm under pressure
  50. Barcelona and San Francisco are my two favourite cities
  51. The lyrics, not the beat, dictate whether I like a song
  52. I prefer savory to sweet
  53. I prefer grape juice to wine
  54. I hope to raise intellectually sharp-witted children
  55. I hardly drink
  56. When I drink, I prefer champagne and Vodka drinks, never beer
  57. I secretly wished that I had a British accent
  58. Manners matter to me, it's important to be polite to people
  59. When I was fifteen, a member of the duo Bros kissed me and told me I was gorgeous (I have the picture to prove it)
  60. I hate cheese fondue, but endured it for six Christmases with my in-laws, until my husband informed my mother in-law
  61. I've shoplifted stickers when I was eight and got caught
  62. I’ve never tried smoking (anything)
  63. I think ladybugs are lucky
  64. I’ve flown off my ten-speed bike scraping my face along a stranger’s driveway (I have the scars to prove it)
  65. I’ve broken my right arm doing #64
  66. I'm extremely superstitious
  67. I could change a diaper at eight years old
  68. People who play acoustic guitar and sing impress me
  69. I carry a change purse
  70. I worked for a day in a bagel shop and burnt all my fingers
  71. I use to hide in my closet when I cried
  72. The musical RENT forced me to enroll in film school instead of law school
  73. My parents have finally forgiven me for not going to law school (even though their money was wasted on LSAT prep study and the Law school applications)
  74. I talk very, very loudly when something matters to me
  75. I am opinionated, and quite vocal about those opinions
  76. I love a good love story
  77. I didn’t cry when I got married, but my husband did
  78. Photography was my first artistic love
  79. I played the violin and the piano… I don't anymore
  80. I have a weird phobia about washing lettuce
  81. I wanted to be a Behavioral Scientist. Psychology, criminology, and sociology facinate me. I was a Psych major in first year University. I took two Criminology courses, where the most important thing I learned was to never call anyone a "goof" in jail... that word has dire consequences
  82. I am a dreamer and a realist
  83. I have a tattoo on my left ankle, I'd like another one on my right ankle
  84. My favourite gemstone is a sapphire
  85. I am an amateur gemologist; I think all women should have a basic knowledge of gems. My mother taught me how to evaluate diamonds; I taught her diamonds are a relatively common and worthless gem.
  86. Tyler Hamilton was my first crush. I was six. I went to his house, knocked on the door and ran away
  87. I always dream, and I always dream in colour
  88. I wish I were fluent in seven languages (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese). I am only fluent in two (English and Vietnamese) (I have basic comprehension of French and Spanish)
  89. I am fascinated by etymology – word origins intrigue me
  90. I enjoy learning
  91. I'm a fast talker
  92. I have exquisite (read expensive) taste
  93. I know a little bit about a lot of things (trivial knowledge, my specialty)
  94. Thunderstorms delight me
  95. I hide from my elderly neighbour, who attempts to teach/speak to me in Spanish
  96. When I am in between jobs, I go to my University Alma matre and audit classes (without the professor's knowledge)
  97. Teleporting would be my first super power, duplication would be my second
  98. I love eating soup, all kinds of soup
  99. Ethan Hawke was my longest celebrity crush (age 13 to 29)
  100. At nine, I rode my bike to my teacher's house and was disappointed by her lifestyle. I thought teachers lived glamorously
  101. I eavesdrop on conversations around me
  102. At night, I like looking into people's open window
  103. I'd like bigger breasts, but am afraid of plastic surgery
  104. My favorite specialty foods are raw oysters, lobster, crab legs, fois gras, artichokes, olives, avocados, rambutan, mangos and sweet potato
  105. I am a humanitarian
  106. I love dirty talk during sex
  107. My favourite number is 25
  108. I never turn down sushi
  109. Inconsequential things I am good at: shopping, eating, baking cupcakes, navigating, silkscreening, whistling through a blade of grass, and flying kites
  110. I believe in Karma
  111. I love Grover from Seasame Street and Gonzo from The Muppets seeing them puts me heart at ease
  112. I have extreme hostility towards Birkenstocks and Crocs
  113. I have one earlobe pierced, the other one has closed. One day I'll be brave enough to re-pierce it.
  114. I love garlic, raw and cooked
  115. I think it's tragic that people are afraid to sing or dance, everyone should sing even if they are tone deaf and dance even if they don't have rhythm.
  116. Toe sucking makes me cringe
  117. I am petrified of rodents, especially rats
  118. I am a great packer
  119. Public toilets give me anxiety, I always hover over the bowl without touching anything and use my feet to flush
  120. I change the buttons on my clothes for fun, interest and originality
  121. I can spend hours skipping rocks
  122. I enjoy road trips, I enjoy driving
  123. I swear loads when I drive, I try not to swear elsewhere... I use kid appropriate profanity instead
  124. I obsessively wear sunblock, I use nothing less than 30spf... I prefer 60spf. If it didn't look stupid, I'd carry a parasol
  125. I can be brutally honest, don’t ask if you don’t want to know the truth


Anonymous said...

#15 I think Grandma said I was her favorite.

Gypsy In My Soul said...

I want the proof in writing.