Thursday, January 25, 2007


For the past week, I live with these hateful hives on my neck. I attempt to conceal them with scarves and turtlenecks, but they peek out from behind their veil to brazenly mock me.

Coworkers are starting to wonder and comment on my kerchief du jour. They think I'm hiding love-bites. (sigh) Alas, the pinkness on my neck bears a less scandalous tale.

To be honest, I'm not sure how the hives came to be. I have my theories, but no concrete evidence.

Theory #1 - Strawberry smoothies.
In David’s and my quest to eat healthier, he has been making smoothies for us in the mornings. Lately, (by request) there's a heavier dose of strawberries in mine. YUMMM... I mean... Hmmm?

Theory #2 - Vitamin E Facial Moisturizer, with SPF 15.
In my quest for softer and wrinkle free skin. I've started using a new moisturizer on my face... I've been using it for weeks... but have recently lathered its silky goodness on my neck. After all, no one wants to own a crepe-paper neck. EWWW... I mean... Hmmm?

Theory #3 - Sawdust, paint fumes and a slew of toxins.
Set building is in full gear to make a Monday shooting deadline at work. All toxins confined inside the building, as old man winter makes it impossible to open doors for air circulation. ECCKK... I mean... Hmmm?

Theory #4 - The Ravage of Winter.
The temperature drops and snow nestles permanently on the ground. Cold air on skin… BRRR... I mean... Hmmm?

Theory #5 - Stress, Lack of Sleep.
Can't get to sleep. Fear of Atcra strike shutting down the industry. Plagued with coworker nightmares.... or nightmarish coworkers... or both. UGH... I mean... Hmmm?

Any one, or a combination of these theories might be the culprit.

Whatever is making me breakout is keeping me from a good night's rest, a decent ensemble and a regular blogging schedule! Hmmm!

Hmmm, indeed!

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