Saturday, January 13, 2007


Returning to work on Monday, I failed to predict my adventures on the employment roller coaster.

The excitement of starting a new series with a familiar crew quickly dissipated with the news of an ACTRA strike.

The TV Series and Films that have not signed agreements to proceed with the Actor's union before the strike deadline are paralyzed. A few BIG Hollywood features have abandoned the city, in search of calmer waters. However, an olive branch has been extended to shows that have made it under the wire, such as the one I am working on, Actra offers CONTINUANCE LETTERS.

BUT.... and it's a big one:

"Canadian and U.S. producer associations have urged their members not to sign the continuance letters on offer from ACTRA. The letters promise producers no disruption by ACTRA picket lines if they guarantee performers a 5% wage increase.

John Barrack, chief negotiator for the Canadian Film and Television Production Assn., representing English-language Canadian producers, on Thursday said that ACTRA's continuance letters were "unlawful," and will provoke a legal battle in the event of an industry shutdown."

While most shows in production have chosen to sign the letter, regardless of it's legality. Our parent company has advised us against this action.

What does it all mean? Unemployment line waits with open arms.

However, at the eleventh hour... (yesterday, as we all prepared our good-bye speeches) with the realization that a production shut down for our show = BUDGET INCREASES, "The powers that be" have thrown caution to the wind and placed pen to paper.

We proceed with caution. Should the letters be deemed illegal in court, production of all major cinematic and television greatness in this province and possibly across the nation comes to an end.

Pending court date: January 24th.


A major silver lining in this whole mess: The short delay in our Production has afforded my dear friend Alison the time needed to join the show as our shiny new Assistant Production Coordinator.

(Please stand by while I dance around the room......)

The concept for this has taken months to engineer, with disappointment and finally with GREAT PAYOFF! (Always willing to go to the Mats for you Ali B.)
I love it when a plan comes together.

1 comment:

alison said...

Awwwwwwwww. Thanks Anna. I truly hope everything works out and I can help you guys on the show.

You rock my lovely Anna. I'm so happy to be able to work along side you again.

:o) xo