Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Originally, I had envisioned this blog to be a joint venture. A “she said/he said” narrative… except the “He” in this chronicle keeps coming up with some considerably lame excuses as to why he has yet to contribute to this blog:

Excuse # 1
Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Excuse # 2
Me no good, express thoughts like you.

Excuse # 3
I have a massive headache and typing just exacerbates it.

Excuse # 4
I couldn’t log into the blog.

Excuse # 5
I was kidnapped by anarchist and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.

Excuse # 6
I’m trying to conserve electricity.

Excuse # 7
The dog won’t let me near the computer, Chihuahuas are vicious.

Excuse # 8
The mob approached me and threatened to break my fingers if I wrote about what I knew.

Excuse # 9
I mistook it for an e-mail and sent it into the nether regions of the net.

Excuse #10
It’s there, you just can’t see it because I wrote it in an black font colour.

1 comment:

Out Of My Element said...

Ha ha ha!! How did I miss this post??? Sounds like my husband when it comes to doing the dishes!