Saturday, October 14, 2006


… but not grown up. On my 32nd birthday I stand unsure of where I should be seated… at the grown-up table or at the kids table. I know at age 32 I am technically a woman, but emotionally I am not ready to commit to full fledged adulthood. I live in this schizophrenic world where I am both woman and girl, at any given moment I will vacillate between both personalities.

I am a girl when I dance and sashay in bare feet, a woman when I mingle and saunter in heels.

In the mornings, my weary bones whispers woman. In the evening, my flannel pajamas screams girl.

A girl when I play, fight and cry. A woman when I work, argue and comfort. Both when I laugh, forgive and write.

I am a girl reminiscing about the past, a woman planning for the future and both living in the present.

Happy Birthday: Girl, Woman… Me.


Anonymous said...

On your 32nd birthday, your a woman in my eyes....but it is the girl inside that makes me laugh everyday! Don't ever let your inner child die, you will be the greatest woman, mother, and wife!

Tatyana said...

love, happiness and peace on your bday, girl! It's your inner (outer?) child that makes you precious!!

happy bday!


Out Of My Element said...


What's wrong with being a child at heart? The childish part us is where that uncondional love for your family comes from. That's the part that lets you laugh so hard you cry. The voice that says "I want to eat ice cream out of the container." There's no reason to ever fully let go of that!!

Enjoy being able to keep in touch with your inner child. Not everyone can!

Anonymous said...

"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese." ~Billie Burke


alison said...

Anna, hun, you're perfect just the way you are - no matter the pull between being a woman or a girl. :)

Love ya bella. I'm glad you had a great bday. I pray many blessings in the year ahead for you.

You TRULY deserve them. hugs & misses.